Development of a Web System utilizing Bayesian networks for teaching English in the Zoila Alvarado de Jaramillo primary school

Katherine Ivanova Ramón Campoverde, Luis Roberto Jácome Galarza, Iván Siguencia Larreátegui


This paper proposes a method of English teaching through formative assessment. The proposal is based on a web application aimed at children from 5-6 years to teach words with computerized adaptive test using Bayesian networks as a method of adaptation, for which the library is used OpenMarkov. It is evaluated: the child's ability to hear and pronounce words. For pronunciation, speech recognition technique has been implemented with the help of the library is used Annyang. The validation tests of web application were performed in “Zoila Alvarado de Jaramillo” at Loja city.

Palabras clave

Bayesian Networks; Artificial Intelligence; speech recognition; english learning

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Una publicación de la Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (ESPOL).

Revista Tecnológica ESPOL - ISSN 1390-3659